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facial tretament

Relax and see real skin concern results with the latest professional advanced range of affordable and safe laser treatments.


At Your Personal Doctor, we understand that every client has his or her own unique goals. That is why we personalize our approach for every client, based on his or her individual needs. Our customized approach has helped our clients realize their goal of achieving a naturally refreshed look. We provide these results and individual care at an incredible value.


We encourage you to take your first step in realizing your goal. We are looking forward to meeting you.





Call today to schedule your free consultation. 847-818-7700.

Take the first step to look as young as you feel.


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A laser is a beam of high-energy light that can be precisely controlled. It can remove veins and blemishes with little or no effect on surrounding skin. Scars can be improved and acne lesions controlled.

Non Ablative Lasers

The laser beam passes through the translucent skin surface without damaging it and affects the structures beneath. This reduces the risk of scarring.

Ablative Lasers

The laser beam directly interacts with the skin surface causing physical removal of skin layers. Causes an abrasive effect on the skin leaving it raw.

Dr. Olga Zarkh has been using lasers of various types to affect changes in skin texture, appearance and quality for more than 10 years. She currently has multiple lasers available to her in her office for the treatment of various types of skin conditions. These include:

Non Ablative Lasers:

  • Laser used for congenital blemishes, port wine stains, scar reduction, acne reduction, rosacea treatment
  • Laser used for reduction in blood vessels, removal of skin lesions without scarring, producing new skin collagen for skin tightening, stretch mark reduction
  • Laser used to remove dark pigmented lesions, brown spots, lighten dark under eye circles
  • The most effective hair reduction laser


laser cosmetic treatmentA proprietary protocol for skin rejuvenation developed after more than 10 years of experience with lasers - Dr. Olga Zarkh, MD

Dr. Olga Zarkh's 10 plus years of experience and hundreds of patient laser treatments includes pigment lasers, blemish lasers, vein reduction lasers, hair reduction lasers and skin rejuvenation lasers. Treatment strategy is individualized for each patient. Our goal is to provide the best result for that person based on their skin type and condition. Laser treatment protocol was developed to provide a predictable, comfortable and cost effective means of rejuvenating the skin. Treatments are performed in the doctor's office. Treatment strategies are individualized for each individual patient to obtain the best possible result.

Why we get wrinkles

As the body ages, our skin gradually loses skin structure and firmness. This is a result of loss of collagen from the skin. Collagen is the mortar that holds the skin structure together. The activities we enjoy, including exposure to wind, sun and just plain living can accelerate this process.

How non ablative lasers correct skin problems

The use of non ablative lasers has become safe, inexpensive and efficient. Today, there are many lasers designed to safely pass light rays through the skin surface. As the laser light shines deep into the skin, it interacts with blood vessels and other structures that attract its color. As a result, heat is produced that the body interprets as an injury and healing processes begin. These events occur with no visible sign on the skin surface. A constant stream of cold air that blows on the skin makes the treatments very comfortable. No topical anesthetics or coloring agents are needed. Patients apply makeup immediately after the treatment and may return to work.

Over the next few weeks as the body goes through its normal healing process new collagen is formed. The new collagen produces skin tightening, improvement in skin texture, more even color and softening of wrinkles. Since the laser treatment is very mild, more than one treatment is needed and the results are usually not seen for weeks to several months after treatment.

How often and how many treatments

Four to six treatments seems to be ideal to produce a 30% - 50% improvement in skin texture, wrinkle softening and skin color. Each treatment causes a little more improvement, so there is no specific interval for treatment that is recommended. Most patients choose to do their treatment on a two to four week schedule. The improvement in skin elasticity also makes other skin tightening procedures more effective. Results begin to appear after 4-6 weeks and continue for months.

Are there other ways of reducing wrinkles?

In the past, the only method of replacing lost collagen was to irritate or abrade the skin. In this process, the upper layer of skin was removed using a chemical or a mechanical tool. Procedures such as dermabrasion, destructive laser treatments, chemical peeling, freezing and the use of irritating medications will cause a change in skin surface that includes smoothness, tightness and an improved texture. However, these types of treatments can cause the skin to be red, raw and swollen with the need for anesthesia and considerable down time. In addition, these more invasive techniques may cause scarring and loss of pigmentation.

Is the treatment uncomfortable?

Each time the laser pulses, the laser light produces heat beneath the skin surface. The amount of discomfort for patients varies. Most patients rate the discomfort as less than 1 on a scale of 1 to 10. Many patients find it helpful to use a topical numbing cream on their skin prior to the treatment. A special numbing cream can be purchased from the office. For maximum effectiveness, the numbing cream should be applied to clean skin (all makeup removed) prior to the treatment.

Will my insurance cover any of the procedure?

In some cases, removal of skin lesions and treatment of rosacea, skin growths and other skin treatments are covered by insurance carriers. You should discuss this with Dr. Olga Zarkh prior to the procedure to obtain more specific information.

Will the laser treatments remove my wrinkles?

Deep wrinkles will be softened by the laser but not completely removed. Patients commonly report a 30% - 50% improvement in skin texture with softening of wrinkles, tightening of creepy skin and improvement in skin color and texture. Complete removal of wrinkles (96% gone) requires a deeper treatment or some type of filler. Pretreatment with the laser makes other deeper treatments more successful and longer lasting by improving the overall condition of the skin.

How can I compare my skin before and after treatment?

Prior to beginning treatment, close up photos of the proposed treatment areas are taken so that the after treatment result can be compared with the pre treatment state. Since some of the effects are subtle, it requires good photos of the skin condition before treatment to make a fair comparison. Improvement also continues even after the treatments are discontinued. Many patients evaluated 6-8 months after treatment will notice continuing improvement.

Can the laser do other things?

The same laser used to produce new collagen can be used to erase small blood vessels, treat rosacea and remove small skin growths. In addition, with different settings it will reduce hair growth and remove veins on the face and body. A favorite treatment of the patients is the removal of the small red spider veins around the nose. Larger veins around the eye can also be diminished in size.

How should I prepare my skin before the treatment?

Either before arriving at the office or upon coming to the office you should thoroughly cleanse your skin removing all makeup, mascara, etc. The makeup in the pores of your skin can react with the laser light treatment and cause some mild discomfort. Many patients find it helpful to have a facial skin treatment with cleansing. This can be done on the day before or the day of the procedure. Make-up can be applied immediately after the treatment.

Will the treatment remove rosacea, blood vessels and other small skin lesions?

During the treatment, Dr. Olga Zarkh will focus on small skin growths, blood vessels and rosacea. Treatment of these areas may produce slightly more redness in the first 24 hours following the post treatment.

Can I have a skin peel at the same time as the treatment?

In most cases a very light chemical skin peel will be performed before the procedure is done. This allows a little more exfoliation and penetration of the laser. The slight redness reaction to the peel makes the skin a better target for the laser.  You may discuss with the doctor whether you want this to be performed. The skin peel produces a slightly longer period of recovery of the skin for peeling and dryness.

What can I expect in the post treatment period?

Because the untreated skin is thinner with more sun damage, the first few skin treatments may cause more reaction than later treatments. Patients can expect a few areas of redness and some flakiness of the upper layers of skin that lasts for a few days. We will apply hydrocortisone cream to your face immediately after your treatment and give you a small amount to take home. Additional cream can be purchased over the counter (1% hydrocortisone cream USP). Patients are advised to use the hydrocortisone cream on the skin for the first few days after treatment to reduce redness and flaking. In most cases makeup can be applied immediately. Your skin care program (we strongly recommend the skin care offered in our office) can be continued throughout the healing period without difficulty.

What happens when I come into the office for my treatment?

You should cleanse your skin several times before coming to the office for your treatment. Mascara should also be removed since it can react with the laser light to produce excess heat and can interfere with penetration of the laser light into the skin. If you have placed topical anesthetic on the skin this will not interfere with the activity of the topical anesthesia.


Special precautions are taken to protect your eyes and personnel  who will be in the room. Everyone in the room wears special glasses or eye shields. Our practice meets the standards of the AAAHC (www.aaahc.org) for laser safety. Lasers are maintained and calibrated on a regular basis and a technician is available at all times during the procedure.

The procedure will either be performed by Dr. Olga Zarkh or one of his experienced staff. Initial laser settings are verified by Dr. Olga Zarkh prior to each treatment. It is common for herto apply a test pulse to herself as a last safety check before treatment. The laser is pulsed in multiple spots over the area for complete coverage (like turning a flashlight off and on each time). Each pulse feels like being snapped with a rubber band. Cold air is applied over the skin during the treatment to provide comfort and to protect the skin from heat produced when the laser light contacts the hair root. Afterwards, the skin may be slightly red. Occasionally irritation and blistering may occur. A soothing cream will be placed on the skin after treatment. Irritation may last for several days.

Contact us

If you are interested in learning more about laser treatments, call or email our office or leave your name and address on this web page and we will be happy to answer your questions.



Just about everyone has a few obvious brown spots on their skin. Freckles, "age spots", "liver spots" and various birthmarks are just a few of the commonly known marks, generally referred to as pigmented lesions. Although most brown spots are easily ignored, many are quite conspicuous and can detract from your skin's natural beauty.

Melanin (dark pigment in the skin) gives skin its color. Dark or light complexioned, we all have varying amounts of melanin.

Pigmented lesions are dark in color simply because melanin is abnormally concentrated in one area of the skin. High concentrations of melanin can be due to various factors. Some types are present at birth, but most occur with age or as a result of overexposure to the sun's damaging rays.

Pigmented lesions can be successfully lightened or removed with modern laser technology. A laser removes pigmented lesions with the energy of light, leaving lighter color skin alone. Pigmented lesions are either lightened or removed when the laser light passes through the skin but is absorbed by abnormal concentrations of melanin.

Dr. Olga Zarkh has been using lasers for skin treatments for more than 10 years. The laser used by Dr. Zarkh is one of the most advanced lasers available for the removal of pigmented lesions. It provides a combination of specific light color and rapid pulses that provides maximum removal of darker melanin pigment spots and leaves normal skin alone.


How many treatments will it take?

The number of treatments will depend on the depth and amount of the melanin pigment. Most brown or black spots can be completely removed with 3-4 treatments.

Does the treatment hurt?

Each laser pulse causes heat when it contacts melanin pigment. This discomfort can range from a mild snapping sensation to more discomfort. Some patients tolerate treatments without any topical or local anesthesia. Dr. Zarkh can provide either topical or injectible anesthetic to make you comfortable during treatment. Constant cold air is applied to the skin during treatment to make you more comfortable.

Will any of the melanin pigment remain after treatment?

With enough treatments, the pigment can be completely removed. Some patients are satisfied with fading and partial removal. Some want complete removal. Overaggressive treatments can cause scarring and undesirable result. The goal is to gradually fade the discoloration and avoid a scar if possible.

How often are treatments performed?

Treatments can be performed as often as every two weeks or less frequently if desired. The melanin pigment continues to fade in between each treatment. This interval allows skin healing and fading to maximize before the next treatment.

What types of brown spots or pigmented lesions will the laser remove?

The laser is most commonly used for removing brown age spots, liver spots, freckles and many brown birthmarks. Dr. Zarkh will identify your specific type of lesion and discuss the removal success rate associated with it. IMPORTANT: The laser cannot be used for the removal of pigmented lesions that are cancerous or suspected of being cancerous. If there is any doubt, your physician will discuss the appropriate treatment methods with you.

Why doesn't the laser remove my normal skin pigmentation also?

Laser light selectively targets dark concentrations of melanin pigment. Your body's natural regenerative system will replace normal melanin pigment after the abnormal concentrations of melanin are removed. This allows your skin to return to its natural state.

Can the excess pigmentation come back?

Common pigmented lesions do not return. Some birthmarks may return after a period of several months to a year. However, the procedure can be repeated with similar results.

What type of post-treatment care is necessary?

An antibacterial ointment will be initially applied to the area. A shower can be taken the same day, but avoid scrubbing the treated area. Since most common pigmented lesions are caused by exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays, it is imperative that you always wear sunscreen. Failure to wear a protective sunscreen will allow more sun damage to occur and can result in new pigmented lesions. Dr. Zarkh will recommend the appropriate level of Sunscreen for your specific skin type.


Special precautions are taken to protect your eyes and personnel who will be in the room. Everyone wears special glasses or eye shields. Our practice meets the standards of the AAAHC (www.aaahc.org) for laser safety. Lasers are maintained and calibrated on a regular basis and a technician is available at all times during the procedure.

The procedure will either be performed by Dr. Zarkh or one of her experienced staff. Initial laser settings are verified by Dr. Zarkh prior to each treatment. It is common for her to apply a test pulse to herself as a last safety check before treatment. The laser is pulsed in multiple spots over the area for complete coverage (like turning a flashlight off and on each time). Each pulse feels like being snapped with a rubber band. Cold air is applied over the skin during the treatment to provide comfort and to protect the skin from heat produced when the laser light contacts the hair root. Afterwards, the skin may be slightly red. Occasionally irritation and blistering may occur. A soothing cream will be placed on the skin after treatment. Irritation may last for several days.

Contact us

If you are interested in learning more about laser treatments for pigmented lesions, call or email our office or leave your name and address on this web page and we will be happy to answer your questions.

Interested in learning more about LASER TREATMENTS?


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Call today to schedule your free consultation 847-818-7700. Take the first step to look as young as you feel.

laser hair removal for all skin typesAre you tired of shaving, waxing, tweezing, and plucking? Now, it’s possible to discover your “beautiful” without the tedious, painful, and often short-lived fixes.


Laser hair removal provides a fast, easy solution for permanent hair reduction, allowing you to look and feel your best without all the hassle.


Free Yourself from Unwanted Body Hair

The secret to laser hair removal is the clinically-proven technology that targets and destroys cells responsible for hair growth without harming surrounding skin. It’s a simple approach to permanent hair reduction that’s fast, easy, and FDA-cleared. Best of all, treatment sessions can take just minutes.

male female laser hair removal

Rely on laser hair removal for treatment of unwanted hair on the:


•    face

•    underarms

•    arms

•    chest

•    back

•    bikini line

•    legs


Light-based hair removal can work for almost everyone, including all skin colors and most hair types. For men, laser hair removal is great for permanently reducing chest and back hair for a cleaner, younger look. For women, it’s a great alternative to creams and waxing for reducing hair on the face and body, including delicate areas around the lips and the bikini line.

Benefits include:

•    Permanent reduction of facial and body hair

•    Fast, easy treatments with little to no downtime


If you are looking for laser or light-based treatment information for a specific condition, or to schedule your free consultation please call us right now 847-818-7700.


Call today to schedule your free consultation. 847-818-7700.

Take the first step to look as great as you feel.


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What areas can be treated?

Laser hair removal can remove hair from the face (except around the eyes), back, chest, arms, underarms, bikini line, and legs.

Am I a good candidate for this procedure?

Laser hair removal is available for all skin types, including very light and very dark skin, and most hair colors. Your provider will determine whether you are a good candidate for the procedure based on a variety of factors.

How does it work?

Light is used to target and destroy hair follicles responsible for hair growth without harming surrounding tissue.

How long does it take?

Laser hair removal treatments take just minutes for small areas and about a half hour for larger areas.

How many treatments will I need?

Several laser hair removal treatments are recommended for the best results. Your treatment provider can help tailor a plan just for you. You do not need to let hair grow out between treatment sessions.

How much does laser hair removal cost?

Laser hair removal is more affordable than you might think. Ask a local provider to find out what laser hair removal costs in your area.

What will the treatment feel like?

Most people feel only a slight, momentary “snap” at the treatment site during the procedure.

How quickly will I recover?

You can resume regular daily activities immediately following treatment.

Are there any side effects?

Some typical side effects of laser hair removal include a mild sunburn-like sensation (redness), accompanied by some minor swelling immediately following the treatment. These effects may last a few days.

Your treatment provider can provide individualized information on potential side effects with you.

If you are looking for laser or light-based treatment information for a specific condition, or to schedule your free consultation please call us right now 847-818-7700.


laser women areas

laser men area

Interested in learning more about HAIR REMOVAL?


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Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) treatment, which is also sometimes referred to as Photofacial or Fotofacial treatment, is a versatile light-based skin rejuvenation treatment designed to treat a number of skin pigmentation problems, including:

  • Sun damage
  • Age spots or sun spots
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Melasma
  • Freckles
  • Broken capillaries
  • Redness or flushing
  • Vascular birthmarks (telangiectasias)

Additionally, IPL is an effective treatment for permanent hair reduction.  It is also an effective acne treatment when combined with Levulan in a procedure known as Photodynamic Therapy (PDT).


Intense Pulsed Light therapy is ideal for recovering “sun-worshippers” wishing to improve the skin tone of their face, neck, chest or hands after years of sun damage. Patients suffering from acne and rosacea may also benefit from IPL treatment, as can patients who wish to have unsightly vascular birthmarks removed.

IPL hair removal is indicated only for patients with light or fair skin and dark facial or body hair, whereas laser hair removal is more appropriate for patients with darker or ethnic skin tones.


For skin rejuvenation and permanent hair reduction, IPL therapy is typically performed in a series of 3 -7 treatments spaced three to four weeks apart. The number of treatments you need depends on the severity of your skin conditions.

Your skin will be cleansed and topical anesthesia may be applied prior to your IPL Photofacial but is typically unnecessary, as a cooling device is used on your skin throughout the procedure to ensure you are comfortable. Eye protection will be provided for your use during treatment, which takes about half an hour.

In order to avoid potential IPL side effects, such as burns or permanent pigmentation changes, it is best to seek IPL treatment from a Olga Zarkh, MD, Your Personal Doctor office staffed with board certified skin care experts.


Recovering from IPL is similar to recovering from a mild sunburn. Depending on the aggressiveness of your treatment, you may experience varying degrees of redness and swelling following your Photofacial. With more aggressive treatment, some mild bruising may also occur.

For a few hours following IPL treatment, you may feel a slight burning sensation. As skin heals over the next one to two weeks, your skin may darken and begin peeling or flaking. It is not uncommon for your skin to become itchy during the recovery period, but it is important not to scratch or pick at your skin, as this may cause permanent scarring.

Although complete IPL recovery typically takes one to two weeks, there is no downtime, so you may return to work and normal daily activities immediately after IPL. Be sure to utilize sun protection and avoid sun exposure as much as possible to prevent skin damage immediately following IPL treatment, as well as to maintain your IPL results in the long term.

Would you like to learn more about IPL skin rejuvenation?  Call 847-818-7700 to schedule a consultation at Olga Zarkh, MD, Your Personal Doctor.

Interested in learning more about IPL?


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Call today to schedule your free consultation 847-818-7700.

Take the first step to look as great as you feel.


Our team of medical experts at Olga Zarkh, MD, Your Personal Doctor gives our clients the best, newest, and most state-of-the-art skin treatment procedures and programs, all in a peaceful, spa-like environment.

Healthy, Great Looking Skin With Medical Grade Peels

Having perfect, glowing, and youthful looking skin is not impossible anymore, even if you don’t have it naturally! At Olga Zarkh, MD, Your Personal Doctor, we are able to provide our clients with the gorgeous skin that they’ve always desired and envied, by using our medical grade facial peels and treatments.  With therapeutic treatments, we can offer you a brand new way of improving the quality of aged skin, scarred skin, and sun damage or over pigmentation. Our medical grade facial peel can gently exfoliate your skin, cleanse it, and also clear your pores and replenish moisture. After receiving the treatment, you will see a noticeable improvement in the look of fine lines, rough spots on the skin, scars, sun damage, dark spots, and large or clogged pores. Your skin will not only look healthy and clear, but you will also look years younger!


peel buffalo grove

Our professional aesthetician can create a specialized treatment program just for you and your skin!

Our talented professionals at Olga Zarkh, MD, Your Personal Doctor can custom build a facial peel that perfectly suits your needs and skin type. We do not simply provide one universal treatment program for all of our clients. We know that no two of our clients are the same, and no two need the same exact treatment plan. We have a broad range of peels, including TCA (Trichloroacetic acid), which is used primarily for fine lines and surface blemishes; Glycolic, Lactic and Salicylic Acid peels, known as AHA, or Alphahydroxy acids; the powerful Obagi peel that treats acne and acne scars, and the Green Peel, which is useful in treating skin imperfections without the use of harmful chemicals or artificial ingredients. In addition to all of these amazing facial peel treatments, our clinic also offers a range of exfoliating procedures and facial peels that help treat varying levels of skin damage and all different skin types and colors.

Our clinic offers many different treatments, so you can custom-build a treatment plan based on your skin!

In addition to the regular facial peels, we also provide our clients treatments masks options that brighten the skin and also help treat over-sensitive skin conditions. We also have detox gels that aid in the treatment of oily skin, and detox gels that are more focused on normal or sensitive skin. No matter what type of skin you have, we will be able to offer you a treatment plan that will greatly improve the texture of your skin and help get you closer to your goal of healthy, smooth, and glowing skin.

Our clinic has the perfect peel or treatment solution for all of your complexion complaints!

To ensure that you get the best treatment for your skin care needs, our aestheticians and consultants will meet with you individually and explain all of the possible options in order to figure out the best program for your needs and skin care goals. If what you want is a quick peel, our consultant will go over every detail and help you schedule a time that is perfect for you to have your appointment. Quick peels can be done in just fifteen to twenty minutes, and after treatment, you may or may not see some inflammation, reddening, minor peeling, or some minor irritation. The beautiful results will be well worth the wait! After just a short few days, you will see the beautifully smooth and youthful skin that you desire. Call today to discover your new, fresh look!

Call us today to talk to one of our expert consultants and schedule an appointment to have a medical grade chemical peel, or have all of your questions about our other procedures answered! 847-818-7700


What Is a Medical Grade Chemical Peel?

This type of peel consists of an aesthetician administering a special chemical solution that will eliminate the old and dying outer layer of skin. The peel reveals smoother skin, and improves the overall quality and texture while giving you a more youthful appearance. These peels are also called “lunch-hour peels,” because they are so quick to perform, and could even be done over a lunch break. They are done primarily on the face, neck, and hands, where people most commonly suffer from darks spots, lines, deeper wrinkles, and other imperfections. Medical grade peels are also great for improving the appearance of acne and scars.

How Long Does a Treatment Take?

These peels are very quick, which gives them the nickname of “lunch-hour peels,” since they only take about fifteen to twenty minutes.

What Kind of Peel Should I Get?

Meeting with an expert consultant at Olga Zarkh, MD, Your Personal Doctor is a crucial first step in completing your treatment program. You and your consultant will go over all of the details and all of your questions, and you will decide on the best type of treatment that will provide your skin with the best results possible.

Is There Any Downtime?

The procedures require very little to no downtime. You typically will not need to take any recovery time, but depending on the type and extent of the peel that you receive, there may be minimal redness and irritation the day that you receive the peel. You may also see some minor peeling, depending on your skin sensitivity. If this occurs, it will most likely begin two to four days after the peel, and it will most likely last about three days. Additionally, you might notice slight itching or minor irritation. 

Would you like to learn more about skin peels?  Call 847-818-7700 to schedule a consultation at Olga Zarkh, MD, Your Personal Doctor.


Interested in learning more about Skin Peels?


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Call today to schedule your free consultation 847-818-7700.

Take the first step to look as great as you feel.


Dermaplaning is a method of exfoliation that consists of using a 10 gauge scalpel to gently scrape off the top layer of dulling dead skin cells in order to reveal a smoother, brighter complexion. Sounds scary, right? It really isn’t, as long as you’re in the right hands.



Dermaplaning is a favorite in the entertainment industry, specifically among models and actresses. Why? It also eliminates that annoying peach fuzz that cakes up in makeup and can be enhanced by harsh production lighting and high-definition cameras. Dermaplaning removes all the dead skin cells and also the facial hair, leaving the surface very smooth,” explains Wright. Dermaplaning also allows for greater penetration of skincare products and creates a flawless canvas for makeup to glide on smoothly. In fact, cosmetic dermatologists often use dermaplaning to help prepare skin for more intrusive procedures such as laser treatments and chemical peels.


Wondering if you should try dermaplaning versus microdermabrasion? They are both forms of physical exfoliation, but the methods are very different. Microdermabrasion sands and suctions dead skin cells, which also helps to uproot clogged pores around the nose, mouth and chin. Dermaplaning safely scrapes off the top layer of skin, so it is well suited for drier skin types and anyone who wants to get rid of peach fuzz. But, keep in mind, both methods are good for almost everyone and it could just boil down to your personal preference.


Dermaplaning is recommended for all skin types except those with acneic skin. If you have deep cystic acne, wait until breakouts are clear before trying this treatment. As always, also discuss any allergies or skin sensitivities before starting a treatment.

This is a great treatment if you are pregnant or nursing and want exfoliation without the risk of harsh chemicals absorbing into the blood stream and potentially harming your baby.


Dermaplaning is a painless procedure and can be compared to the sensation of shaving your legs, but in this case, it’s on your face.

First, the aesthetician will cleanse and thoroughly dry your skin. Next, she’ll pull an area of your skin taut with one hand, and hold a sterile 10 gauge blade at a 45 degree angle in the other hand and use short, swift strokes to scrape off dead skin cells and peach fuzz.


About 30 minutes.


There are no side effects and zero downtime. After the treatment, your skin will be highly sensitive to sun exposure and may already look very pink, so be sure to wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher to reduce the risk of hyperpigmentation.


You’ll immediately look more radiant with a more even skin tone and texture. All of your peach fuzz will be gone, which is why first-timers say their skin has never felt so soft before.


Dermaplaning removes 21 days worth of dead skin cells, so it’s best to allow the skin to complete its rejuvenation cycle before your next treatment.

We’re stating the obvious, but don’t make any sudden movements while the aesthetician is scraping your face.

If you have resilient skin, try coupling microdermabrasion and dermaplaning in the same session for incredible results.

Many women are often concerned that shaving peach fuzz will make it grow back heavier and darker, but that’s just an old wives’ tale. Superficial vellus hair (that’s the science-y name for clear or white soft fine facial hair) will grow back at the same rate and with the same texture as it was before the treatment.


Disclaimer: As always, this information is provided to you for educational and/or informational purposes only, and should not be construed as an endorsement of any particular product, treatment, or procedure. This information is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment by a doctor or other qualified health care professional. For medical concerns, including decisions about any procedure or treatment, users should always consult their doctor or other qualified health care professional. Please visit our Terms of Service to view our full disclaimers.


Would you like to learn more about Dermaplaning? Call 847-818-7700 to schedule a consultation at Olga Zarkh, MD, Your Personal Doctor.

 Interested in learning more about DERMAPLANING?


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Call today to schedule your free consultation 847-818-7700.

Take the first step to look as great as you feel.

The Revolutionary New Absorbable Thread lifts!


PDO Thread Lift

Today women prefer less invasive and non-invasive procedures that involve minimal downtime and less self care after the treatment.

PDO (Polydioxanone) thread is a thread with no cones, thus no damage to the tissue. This is the same thread used in Cardiac and other surgeries as sutures, and thus it is very safe.


The procedure is suitable for most people from 25 onwards, when the effects of ageing become apparent. Ageing causes the skin tissue to thin because the collagen and elastin fibres break down, which results in sagging skin, deep creases, folds and wrinkles. PDO thread reverses the effects of ageing.


Threads are implanted into the sub-dermal skin and stimulate the production of collagen and the skin becomes firmer, elastic and moisturised. The thread dissolves itself in couple of months but the effect last for 12-18 months.


The thread can be applied to anywhere on the body, such as a flabby face, cheeks, eyebrows, to prevent eye bags, sagging neck skin, fine lines around Cheeks, angle around the mouth, laugh lines, forearm and abdomen, smokers lines and lifting of breast. The procedure is very simple, nearly the same as dermal fillers, but in this we leave a thread inside instead of filler.


Contact us today to make your free consultation to discuss PDO threads 847-818-7700!

PDO Thread Lift – Non Surgical Facelift


PDO Thread lift Buffalo Grove

We at, Olga Zarkh, MD, Your Personal Doctor, are thrilled to offer this new PDO absorbable Thread Lift procedure to our clients. The PDO 

Thread Lift procedure safely and instantly lifts up loose skin on the face, neck and the body with minimal downtime.


Thread Lift is one the most effective ways to lift the loose skin without surgery. As we age, the effects of gravity become more noticeable on our faces, especially as our facial support structure weakens and we lose facial fat. The areas that are generally affected are the eyebrows, areas around the eyes, the cheeks, the jowls and the neck. The result is a longer, more square-shaped and older-looking face.


Traditionally, most people would look into plastic surgery to get a facelift as there weren’t very effective noninvasive treatments to lift the loose skin. However, now there is an effective nonsurgical option that can lift and contour and suspend the sagging tissues on the face, neck and the body, especially for those that need only minimal to moderate rejuvenation or for those that do not wish to undergo surgical intervention.

Restoring the V-Shape


A beautiful and healthy face has a “V-shape”. With the aging of tissues and the action of gravity, this “V-shape” diminishes or inverts. The idea behind the PDO thread lift is to either to create a scaffolding in order to support the tissues and keep them in the “V-shape” or where necessary to delicately lift the tissues and reposition the skin to recreate the “V-shape” where it’s been lost.


Although PDO threads can be inserted almost anywhere, even in the body, one area where they are especially effective is the neck and jawline. The lower third of the face is challenging to treat effectively with botulinum toxin or injectable fillers, which are most effective in the upper and middle third of the face, respectively.

What are PDO Threads and how does it work?


PDO threads are hypodermic needles preloaded with a synthetic PDO absorbable suture. PDO (polydioxanone) sutures are surgical sutures that are used to perform cardiac surgery. All sutures are FDA-approved and PDO sutures are one of the safest materials that can be used in the body. Your skin will fully absorb the PDO thread within 4 to 6 months without leaving any scar tissue.


While the sutures are underneath the skin, however, your skin gently reacts to the skin creating a “selective inflammatory response” to produce collagen to create a longer-lasting result: This principle is behind a lot of aesthetic procedures (such as fractioned lasers, skin tightening treatments and microneedling). Our skin is excellent at repairing itself, and by inserting the PDO threads underneath the skin to lift the loose skin, the skin will heal itself by creating new collagen naturally!

Who is a good candidate for PDO Thread Lift?


For the right candidate, the Thread Lift can provide a pleasing, natural rejuvenation of the face with the benefit of no general anesthesia, rapid recovery and very minimal cost compared to a facelift or a necklift. Thread Lift may be combined with other, more minor surgical procedures, such as Botox, Injectable Fillers, microneedling or skin lasers.


Ideal candidates for thread lifts include:


  • People with minimal signs of aging who need just a small lift. Good candidates are those patients who are starting to see some droopiness of the brow, cheeks, jowls and/or neck and would like to see a lift effect, but do not want the risk, scars, or recovery of a real browlift, facelift, or necklift operation.
  • People who have had some relapse from a previous plastic surgery procedure such as a facelift or neck lift.
  • People who do not wish to undergo a surgical facelift or necklift for various reasons such as not wanting a prolonged recovery of a stand facelift or do not wish to spend money on an expensive facelift.

Which areas can be treated with the PDO Threads?


Most popular treatment areas are the brows, cheeks (midface), jowls, and the upper neck. However, Thread Lift can be performed virtually anywhere on the body, such as to lift loose skin on the upper arms, stomach, thighs and around the knees.

How is the PDO Thread Lift performed?


  • The areas to be treated will be numbed with topical as well as local anesthetic.
  • The areas to be treated are then marked.
  • The threads are then inserted under the skin in precise locations using a small hollow needle to lift and support droopy elements without removing any skin. The inserted thread is then able to grasp onto the droopy skin and soft tissue to reposition the skin. This requires no cuts or incisions. It’s purely done by injections.
  • With the lift effect secured, the hollow needle is removed without leaving any scars.
  • Depending on the desired effect of the lift, few to several sutures will be used.
  • The PDO suture remains underneath the skin. Different sutures and lengths will be used depending upon the area(s) you need lifted.

What is the recovery like after the Thread Lift?


Pain can be usually managed with acetaminophen (Tylenol) and/or ibuprofen (Advil). If stronger pain medicine is desired, it can be prescribed by our physician. You may have mild swelling and bruising for few days. Icing the treated area as well as arnica is recommended for the first few days. We recommend avoiding strenuous activity for few days.

What kind of results can be expected after PDO Threads and how long does the results last?


The result of the Thread Lift is immediate and even more noticeable after 1-2 weeks when all the swelling and potential bruising has resolved. The results will continue to enhance as your skin produces even more collagen over the next several months which will also make the results of the thread lift last longer than the life of the threads. More threads can always be inserted down the line to continue to improve the results and prolong the results even more. If you choose to have a more intensive surgical procedure or facelift at a later point, this can be done without any problems as the PDO sutures will be absorbed completely without leaving any kind of scarring.

What are the side effects of the Thread Lift?

Like any procedure using a needle, there is a chance of bruising and swelling. However, in most people, the bruising and swelling is minimal and resolve in less than a week. There is some post-op discomfort which usually resolves quickly in most patients. If the sutures, for some reason, become visible underneath the skin or migrate, it can be easily removed if necessary and new threads can be placed.

Schedule a consultation today with Dr. Olga Zarkh to see if you are a good candidate for the PDO absorbable Thread Lift.

Call Now 847-818-7700.


Interested in learning more about PDO Threads?


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Call us for a free consultation, 847-818-7700, or schedule an appointment with Dr. Olga Zarkh, MD today.

Botox in Buffalo Grove, IL

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botox treatment

Have wrinkles become an accepted part of aging?


That may be the “common wisdom” on the subject, but there is an alternative to wrinkles, crow’s feet and more. Botox Cosmetic® provides a safe, effective solution for helping you look younger non-surgically.



Some of the imperfections most commonly treated with Botox include:botox

  • Wrinkles
  • Crow’s feet
  • Frown lines
  • Forehead lines
  • Eyebrow wrinkles
  • Forehead furrows

In addition to these cosmetic issues, Botox has also proven effective in treating some medical issues such as migraines, hyperhidrosis (excessive sweat) and some forms of bladder dysfunction. If you’re struggling with wrinkles, eyebrow-lines or even migraines, Botox may be the solution you need.



botox treatment 2The non-surgical Botox procedure is typically performed in a doctor’s office, to ensure maximum comfort. A Botox session takes only 10 – 15 minutes per injection, with no downtime needed afterward. You can resume your favorite activities and even return to work right away.

The result of the treatment is firmer, more youthful skin, along with reduced wrinkles and lines. The effects of Botox Cosmetic treatment last around four months, and most typically see results within 30 days of receiving treatment.



how does botox work


Before & After pictures are provided by the product manufacturer.  Results may not occur for all patients.

Interested in learning more about BOTOX?


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Call us for a free consultation, 847-818-7700, or schedule an appointment with Dr. Olga Zarkh, MD today.


Injectable Fillers Buffalo Grove

Olga Zarkh, MD, Your Personal Doctor provides a range of non-surgical cosmetic treatments, skin rejuvenation treatments and skin care regimes for all skin types. We only offer treatments and procedures that are scientifically-proven to make a positive difference in the health and appearance of your skin. Dr. Zarkh and her team strive to educate clients on the options of procedures and treatments that will provide beautiful, natural-looking results.

Revitalize your appearance with the latest cosmetic treatments


Bellafill Smile Lines

Bellafill Acne Scar 


Facelift and Necklift Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) for Hair Growth


Juvéderm Voluma XC

Juvéderm XC


PDO Thread Lift - Non Surgical Facelift

Chemical Peels

Dermal Fillers

IPL Photorejuvenation 

Laser Facial

Laser Hair Removal

Before and After Photo

Rewards Program

Referral Program

Interested in learning more about the latest cosmetic treatments?


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If you would like more information or are interested in nonsurgical cosmetic procedures, skin rejuvenation treatments or skin care products at Olga Zarkh, MD, Your Personal Doctor, schedule a free consultation or appointment at our Buffalo Grove office.

Please call our office at 847.818.7700.

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